Finding the right size specific dressmaker doll
Which pinnable mannequin is right for you?
The size-specific dress form is the ultimate designer and tailor’s aid. The fully pinnable mannequin gives you the perfect fit and a great canvas on which to create your artwork of beads, drapes, lace, etc. As the flagship of the Dressmaker Dolls range, our size specific mannequins are used by some of South Africa’s top designers such as Casper Bosman, Fritz Wilson, Suzaan Heyns and more.
Use this guide below to find the right size doll for you.

How do I decide which size to buy?
Measure your bust, waist and hips and use the measurements to compare against the available mannequin sizes. If two or more measurements fall within a specific category, that is the one to purchase.
Should you find yourself in-between two different sizes, we recommend purchasing the smaller model as you can always add padding to achieve your body shape. Use an old bra and fit it on your mannequin. Pad the bra until it resembles your bust shape and form. If the waist or hips are too small, use sponge or material to increase the circumference by adding it until it’s your specific measurement.
Remember that the mannequin is simply an aid and not a mirror image of your body shape.